You been abused like I was or bullied in school or been

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Two Edmonton men, Calvin Junior Powery Hooker, 20, and Nathan James De Jong, 21, were arrested nearby and have been charged with first degree murder. Their next court appearance is Aug. 27. One time, Griffin said, the owner of a townhouse in the tony neighborhood of Georgetown returned from a three day weekend away to find the home plundered. The drapes were torn. The dishes were broken.

I would like to see more respectful coverage of this global icon. He is a universal legend and touched many hearts and souls across the globe including remote villages of Asia. I hail from one of those places and he inspired me to be who I am today.

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DS (dear son) hasn’t had one yet, but DD (dear daughter) had one around this age that made her look like a mutant freak. She was running upstairs, tripped and fell forehead first into a door jamb. We were a bit freaked out by how fast it swelled up, but they tell you that if it’s swelling on the outside that’s a good sign because it’s probably not swelling internally.

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