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This shouldn’t have been a surprise to Trump. Khalilzad has been pushing the Taliban to stop such bombings and demonstrate that it was willing to work with the Afghan government to reduce violence. The Taliban negotiators refused; they evidently believed that such terror tactics were their leverage.

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Taking precaution is so necessary when one travels. This is especially true for smaller ladies who are easy targets for thieves. In many countries, locals often warn us to look after our purses. I have to say that I am impressed by that. Of course, as a journalist I am paid to never get that “into” any candidate, but even if I had, I can’t imagine that I’d ever feel so strongly about an elected official that I’d pack my bags and get onto an airplane just to cheer for him or her from a distance. But hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans are going to do that in just a few days because that is how they feel about you.

Never mind that President Abraham Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation had been written and read more than two years earlier. Juneteenth, named for the June 19 declaration, started as a celebration of emancipation day in Texas and eventually spread to other states. With celebrations dating back to 1866, Juneteenth now commemorates the end of slavery in the United States..

To prove this point, go to a bar or social function sometime. Pick out the woman you most think is in your female world. Wait 20 minutes, and watch as she is not the most occupied women in the room with male attention. Barbara Bush, standing five feet eight, had put on sixty pounds awaiting the birth of her first child, who was three weeks past due, as her husband of eighteen months, Yale University freshman George Herbert Walker Bush, pursued his studies. By her own telling, she weighed “more than a Yale linebacker.” During a short summer break, the couple drove from New Haven fifty miles southwest to the Bush family home on Grove Lane in Greenwich, Connecticut, to visit his parents, Prescott and Dorothy Pres and Dottie as they were known. Sensing Barbara’s great discomfort, Dottie took matters into her own hands.

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