“Rangersmistakenlyeuthanized another innocent bear last summer

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Canada Goose sale Further testing showed that they also didn’t match a second bear officials had captured, outfitted with a GPS monitor and released.Black Bear eating clover. (iStock)”Bears are iconic symbols in the Smokies and a decision to euthanize an animal is not made lightly,” Superintendent Cassius Cash said in a news release, according to the News Sentinel.”In the interest of responsibly protecting hiker safety in America’s most visited national park, we make our decisions based on the best available information for each particular situation.”Rangersmistakenlyeuthanized another innocent bear last summer after a 16 year old Ohio boy was mauled inside the park while he slept in a hammock one night, the Citizen Times reported. Another bear was alsoshot near the campsite where the teen was attacked, and DNA taken from the bullet showed a partial match to samples taken from the boy.[298 bears killed in Florida hunt that ‘ignored science’]”Due to the extreme seriousness of the bear attack and threat to human safety, we responded swiftly to secure the safety of hikers in the backcountry,” park superintendent Cash said last year Canada Goose sale.

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